Fluidity as Philosophy...The Ethos of Indelicate
Unconventional Insights for Deep Love!
The Common Understanding of Settling is a Hot Mess
Independent, Reserved, and Aloof People Need Deeper Connection, Not Less
Why Men Shut Down.
Everybody's A Little Kinky (So why does it feel like a dirty secret?)
I'm Difficult, a Lone Wolf, Avoidant, Protective, Perfectionist...
"I just Need to Find The Right Partner, Then I'll be Happy and Everything Will Work Out"
How Even Givers Make This Mistake In Love...
Men, now is not the time to overcorrect.
Celebrate men for following their integrity even if their plans don't include you
So many masculine people worry that their energy is harmful
People of all genders experience relationship anxiety
Going with the flow is not the favor you think it is.
Are Men callous, cold, indifferent, lazy....
The Hottest Masculine Expression is Your Own
What I'm gonna do to you...
You cannot accurately calibrate intimacy when you're overthinking
Your needs and desires are not a problem: But How You Show Up Matters
How do we exchange erotic energy if we’re not having s*x?
What My Clients Say is Different About Intimacy Coaching....