Talk Like Lovers Do
Immersive Couple Sessions To Blow Your Intimacy Wide Open
Experience the Magic of Embodied Connection In Real Time as
You Gain Wildly Useful Skills for Artful Love
So You Can:
Put Repetitive Arguments to Rest,
Get Out of The Tug of War of Anxiety and Avoidance,
Meet Future Challenges with Bravery, and
Breathe Play and Eroticism into Any Moment 🔥
Flirt Your Way Through
Even Your Hardest (or Dumbest) Problems.
You're Gonna Get Really (Lovingly) Honest About How You Feel and Overcome Your Automatic Responses and Defense Mechanisms.
Get your Point Across Without the Dreaded "We Need to Talk."
Make Your Feelings Known Without Icy Silent Treatment
Get The Space You Need Without Being a Total Distant Weirdo
Invite and Inspire Playful Passion Without Whining
Celebrate, Honor, Apologize, and Forgive
Let Yourself Love and Be Loved
AND Finally Learn How to Really Take It...
(...the TRUTH, You Perv! It's Time You Master the Art of Not Just Dishing It Out, but Generously Receiving Feedback, OK?)
More than words: meet the unseen, but felt, energy and patterns in your dynamic
​"We've done couples therapy with a PhD level psychologist and didn't get to even 10% of what we uncovered with Veronica in a few sessions."-John

Forget looping the same conflict: I will guide you through gentle, real-time practice with instant feedback and adjustments
"I woke up this morning after a conversation with my husband and thought, 'Holy shit. Investing in couples intimacy coaching with Veronica was the best investment we've ever made together.' It was literally the thing that helps me pause and slow down and digest and explain myself with my partner in a way that I never would have otherwise...because I was getting in my own way." -Emily
Foster Playful Passion That Creates a Hotter Kind of Trust and Comfort
I don't know about you, but comfort to me is about more than sweatpants and trust is about more than being 'good' (whatever that means).
As much as you may relish your cozy TV nights, comfort and trust can also mean believing in your partner and knowing deep in your guts that you can try anything and they'll offer something helpful and nourishing back.
Because how great would it feel to know that your emotional risks and gestures of love could be met by a powerful turn on? (...don't worry, you also get to learn that you can totally survive their 'no thanks' without bottoming out or skipping town.)
No more withholding or waiting for perfect to fully express yourselves and embrace each other and no more relying on shame, lectures, or overwork to get what you need.
Instead of getting hung up on following outdated or stale frameworks for how partnership 'should be', you will learn how to confidently decide together on your own definition of what's best for you....which also means you can stop punishing yourselves and each other for 'getting it wrong' (unless punishing each other is your kink, ya freaks). 👀
Forget The Cycles of Uptight Perfectionism and Disappointment,
Your New 'High Standard' is Staying in Connection.
Hi! I'm Veronica!
In Addition to Being a Skilled Energy Worker and Trauma Healer, I'm a Certified Somatic Sexologist and Relationship Coach.
I've learned a lot on my own road to reclaiming pleasure and sensuality after major life transitions, breakups, burnout from a fast-paced career and subsequent chronic illness. As my adult relationships grow deeper, I am also learning how much I must reprogram my own nervous system and conscious and unconscious beliefs to be able to hold the sweetness, triggers, collaboration, BIG energy, and conflict that comes along with true partnership.
I blend all that I’ve studied and practiced and all that I intuitively feel into something you can actually use right now. I can feel the things that sometimes even you are not aware of and will help you to uncover those hidden blocks.
You will come away from every session energized and with actionable feedback.​

You belong here.
My clients are people and partners of all genders, ages, and lifestyles. Vanilla, Kinky, Never-Been-Kissed, Married and Monogamous, Festival-Hopping-Free-Lovers, and Sunday School Teachers.... you're all welcome here.