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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
Ladies, Femmes, and Sensitive Gems...Is Your Partner Tuning You Out No Matter How Much You Talk About Your Needs and Feelings?
Why your relationship talks are falling flat or getting tuned out.
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
Why Your Relationship Anxiety Isn't Getting Better
Don't see the video above? Try this link: What I’ve noticed in folks who are having pervasive relationship...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
When Traditional therapy Isn't Working (Watch me get fired up about this one!)
Somatic Intimacy Coaching is like this: 1. We’ll chat about what juicy, connected intimacy would feel like for you and what kinds of...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
How I help you Unblock for Epic Love
Rumi — ‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
Indelicate Intimacy the Book! Practical Magic and Unconventional Insights you can take home (or download) right now!
Indelicate Intimacy reveals the secrets of secure and sexy love by helping you understand and manage the subtle energy and big feelings.
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
Three Underrated Luxuries of Secure (and SEXY!) Love
Surprisingly signs that you feel happy and secure in your love and relationships.
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
Mismatched Desire: When one partner wants sex and the other does not (and the joyful path back to connection...)
What do you do when one person says, "I want connection first," and the other insists, "I have to be physical to feel close!"
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Veronica Puryear
4 min read
How is Somatic Intimacy Emotion Coaching Different from Traditional Talk Therapy? (Anxious/Avoidant Edition...)
I copied this description (scroll down to see the answer) below from my about page explaining the difference between Somatic Therapy and...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
Feeling your resistance is the answer, hun.
What if the frustration, relationship anxiety, disappointment, ick, trigger, shut down, blah.... Is not a setback in your healing or...
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Veronica Puryear
3 min read
Bedtime stories...First she healed her anxiety, then she drew him closer with her energy...
This is the story of a formerly *very* anxious wife and a guarded husband who have been experiencing some intense conflict in the last...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
"I should just let this go..." "If they could just do this ONE thing..."
The ways in which we are critical of ourselves often creates so much resistance and distortion in our minds. If you could just BE...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
Where I'm hiding from deeper intimacy...
I’m guilty. Guilty of holding back and keeping my most tender self a secret. In my downturned glances and with a clench of my jaw, I stop...
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
"I feel more at peace than I ever have"
These are notes from a client who was once a VERY anxious person. "I feel so much more powerful and in my body. I feel grateful for...
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
'Effortless' love is on the other side of a skill level and open heart that you don't yet have.
This is for the guy having a tantrum in my virtual office saying… “She should just know! I shouldn’t have to tell her!” …it’s also for...
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
No, you’re not a People Pleaser
I can’t take another social media post about people pleasing. Why? First, why does everything need an official-ish sounding and degrading...
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
Fluidity as Philosophy...The Ethos of Indelicate
Good luck trying to get me to make you feel wrong about something because I mostly believe that right and wrong are simply not a thing....
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Veronica Puryear
1 min read
Sometimes That Confused Feeling Is You Confronting a Growing Edge
The energy of this week has been funky. I’ve seen it on others and also felt it myself. Yet, somehow I just know the challenge is a sign...
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
Independent, Reserved, and Aloof People Need Deeper Connection, Not Less
More connection not less. A discovery from my own avoidant moments. Sometimes people confuse my resistance to closeness as a desire to be...
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
"If it's Not a Full-Body 'Fuck Yes'....Maybe You're Scared."
If you have a choice to make and your body is resisting by showing're probably scared and that doesn't automatically mean...
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Veronica Puryear
2 min read
In Defense of Non-Linear Relationships
If you are a person who grows, you will change. If you are alive on this planet, on this astral will have ruptures like...
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