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Everybody's A Little Kinky (So why does it feel like a dirty secret?)

I don’t talk about this on social media often (hello, highly public and censored platforms!) but I know it’s the reason so many of you are hanging out here and peeking in…

You have desires you’ve yet to explore.

There are things you know you like and you want to bring your partners into the exploration but you don’t know how and you’re worried how they will react.

A lot of you may not even realize that you’re a little kinky, or primal, or adventurous, or a never-ending good idea machine but you know there’s something missing in what you’ve been taught and what you’ve experienced.

There’s so much out there and you need a skilled guide to reveal it to you and show you how to get it safely, consensually, and ecstatically.

You also need help communicating your desires in a clear way that feels like an invitation to your partners. People can tell when you feel hesitant and they may interpret your anxiety as a potential threat to safety or uncertainty about the relationship. This means you need practice talking about what you want with confidence, convictions, and conscious awareness.

My coaching is a completely holistic experience which means we could talk about any number of emotional, spiritual, physical subjects at any given time.

But let me break it down a little more…

A 3-month container is a perfect intro to the work…an opportunity to wake up to a specific desire, bring awareness to a pattern, or have fun practicing one particular skill set (like talking about your kinky wishes for example).

A 6-month container is your playground to transform and actually begin to embody the things that you learn in the first 3 months. This is where you actually become Daddy or divine slut. This is when you learn to actually comfortably sink into your vision of yourself. This is the pathway to releasing shame and taking the lead in your own life.

You’re always welcome to start with 3 months, but if you know you’re all in 6 months is a better deal and brings so much more spaciousness to your journey.

The guarantee of the work is the decision that you make to commit and believe that transformation is possible. You make it possible.

Intrigued? Reach out to schedule your first session where you can explore your desires and questions and then choose your own adventure if you so choose.

See you soon xoxox

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