Rumi — ‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’
Here’s how I help you do that as a Somatic Intimacy and Relationship Coach and Energy Healer:
Somatics - because that’s how you dissolve the heavy edges of your complex traumas and make more space for intimacy.
Embodiment - so you can come home to your body and understand it as a part of nature and an open channel to all that is.
Shadow work - so you can meet, make love to, laugh with, and take responsibility for your ick and darkness. (Hint: there will be no safety or fcking to the heavens if you haven’t owned your sticky scary icky.)
Parts Work - so we can unburden the wounded parts that are running old programming and defense mechanisms disguised as you and give them new jobs.
Partner practices - understand the delicate dynamic happening between you with actual practices so you can be better dance partners and make art out of any moment.
Energy awareness - so you can clear your clutter and tune into your natural magnetism. (And maybe figure out how your ‘anxiety’ is a whole lot of misplaced energy and power.)
Bodywork - deep holding for healing attachment while releasing stuck energy from the tissues