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Writer's pictureVeronica Puryear

Why You're Struggling to Quiet Your Inner Critic or Just "Let Go"of Anxiety

Whether it’s healing ❤️‍🩹 or love ❤️‍🔥 the pressure you put on yourself to just feel better and more securely attached already is what is most slowing you down. The critical voice that says:

“We can’t surrender or relax!” “We can’t tolerate discomfort!” “We have to push!” “We have to problem solve!” “We have to make sense of this Or DIE!”

Is really saying, if I trust, if I relax, if I FEEL or yearn then I will get stuck. I won’t get to where I need and want to go.” This is probably the #1 thing I help to shift in your system, it’s the thing that is the difference between the wound up first-time client and the completely transformed version of you 3-6 months down the road.

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